Am I too young for anti-aging skin care products?

Am I too young for anti-aging skin care products?

I don’t know how old you are but I promise the answer is no! I could certainly rephrase: Am I too young for hydrating my skin? Certainly not! 

I remember my 20 years old self going to Sephora for an anti-aging lotion. However, I ended up leaving empty handed because I thought I was being extra! I was not being extra, I should have left the store with a hydrating skin lotion!

So here I am, 10 year later trying to find a good product to repair my mistakes!

I am certainly not going to pretend that I know the scientific results of any anti aging lotion. Simply because I am not a scientist and I am not going to sell you a miracle product! I’ve been skeptical of brands that promise you to erase your wrinkles in no time! The bottom line here is that if you’re in your 20s with perfect skin it won’t last unless you take care of it! Again there is no miracle product out there, just a simple day to day healthy routine! 

My friendly advise to you: 
  • For my young fellows out there: Find a good face hydration product that works for you. Commit to it every morning before applying your makeup and after your shower at night.
  • If you have just woken up today with a wrinkle or two:
    • 1st, congratulation you probably have life experience 🙂
    • 2nd’ if you haven’t yet, find yourself a good product! It’s not too late!
Now you’re probably wondering: How do I know what works? what product is best for me? 

Well first of all you have to go out there and try some products. Find the one you feel is made for you. I cant say it enough, hydration is key! For those of you just starting out I would suggest starting small, don’t waste your time and money on crazy products. Don’t use body lotion, your face needs are different than your body!

I didn’t know how much my skin was uncomfortably dry until I applied a lotion and it felt right! 

So if you think you don’t need it, just give it a try, you will not regret it.

I personally started with a single product from LIERAC and later switched to a full set from a company called CLINIQUE

This is my current routine:
Before applying my make I use the « Moisture surge » on my face and « Pep Start eye cream ».
Before bed the « clinique smart clinical » and the « all about eyes »
I do not really use the serum daily. If I do, I apply it before my evening routine.

I would recommend both but you will need to find out what is right for you. We all have different skin types and needs so don’t worry, there are plenty of options out there!

So tell me! What are your favorite products or brands? Share in the comment section below! Your recommendations may help someone in need! 


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